Kerri, Somerset. UK
Would just like to express here what a wonderful and knowledgeable lady Ileana is. I attended her essential oil course and was completely fascinated by how much knowledge Ileana has in essential oils , in nutrition, gut care, aromatherapy I just wanted to stay all day and talk with her.
I’ve came away from my course wanting to learn and know so much more. I would highly recommend anything that Ileana does for you. A truly remarkable woman. Her knowledge of traditional medicine is so fascinating, coming from traditional roots. That was amazing to listen too.
I am now eating growing Kefir for a healthy gut thanks to meeting Ileana. She is also very knowledgeable in cancer, she has so many skills. I am considering having a one to one consultation because my mum has recently become ill. So please message or attend a group to see for yourself how much wonders this woman can offer you. Highly recommended.
Thank you.
Holistic Healthcare Ltd
Kerri, Somerset. UK